Champion-awarded Milky Oolong for two consecutive years, this tea has a distinct sweet milky aroma with an elegant mouthfeel and aftertaste. The tea is golden amber in color with a hint of osmanthus: the perfect companion to give you a gentle wake-up on the weekend.
Taiwanese Milky Oolong is the unique cultivar No.12 by Taiwan which is renowned for its unique milky aroma and is popular among younger generations and girls.
Origin: Alishan, Taiwan
Notes: Milky, Osmanthus
上林茶舍嚴選的茶葉,已連續兩年獲得臺灣好茶 :金萱茶組的頭等獎殊榮。此受賞茶的特色在於格外濃郁的奶香味,茶香優雅、茶韻十足。鮮嫩的翠綠茶葉,泡製出的茶湯金黃色的光澤,其散發出的滋味帶有一絲綿柔奶香和淡雅桂花花香,故名「醍醐」。
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