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Uji is the origin of matcha, a place where only quality tea is produced. The daily temperature difference of Uji can be as high as 20 degrees which contributes to the premium quality of Uji tea. The Premium Uji Matcha Morning Green is produced by hundred-year-old tea farm that has won Japan matcha awards.


This Premium Uji Matcha Morning Green is made of two cultivars: Asahi (Sun) and Samidori (Early Green), which complement each other with a smooth mouthfeel and elegant aroma and sweetness. The sparkling green of this matcha resembles the budding sprouts after a morning rain: a taste of freshness in a cup.


Creamy   Smooth  Elegant Flavor  Rich Umami


Variety: Asahi, Samidori 

100% Hand-picked first flush tea 

Origin: Uji, Kyoto, Japan

Net Weight: 20g






上林茶舍精挑細選的宇治上抹茶 朝綠,來自百年受賞茶園,採自被譽為宇治茶發源地的宇治五庄。宇治上抹茶 朝綠融合了兩種品種的抹茶:朝日和早緑,口感順滑,幽雅的香氣配以深邃的鮮甜,兩種茶相輔相成,襯托彼此的優點,進而達到一加一大於二的效果。朝緑的翠綠茶色仿如清晨空氣澄明的新嫩樹芽, 吐露新鮮的氣息,故命「朝綠」。




品種: 朝日(あさひ)、早緑(さみどり)

100% 手摘初茶

產地: 日本京都宇治


宇治受賞茶園上抹茶 朝緑 Uji Awarded Tea Farm Matcha Morning Green


